It took major repositioning for Tricentis to expand its U.S. market for software testing. Once the new messaging architecture was developed, I helped articulate brand voice, rewrote the website and marketing collateral, and created new content to establish industry leadership.
Art Director: Paul Aplin
Aplin Uno Creative
Sourdough bread made from a 150-year-old mother dough starter is the legacy behind Boudin Bakery & Cafe. I helped tell the story through signage, promotions, and direct mail, and had fun with this ad/poster campaign for the interactive museum and bakery tour at San Francisco Fisherman’s Wharf.
Art director: Margaret Kim
M&K Design
At the forefront of panoramic digital photography, Be Here let people take seamless panoramic pictures with no stitching and no fuss. Short and sweet.
Art Director: Margaret Kim
M&K Design
First Floor was a rare case where I used the company name in the brand line— which launched an advertising and direct mail campaign.
Art Director: Margaret Kim
M&K Design
Finding a visual way to represent software can be a challenge. This launch for a Symantec development environment got right to the heart of the problems our engineering audience faced.
Art director: Margaret Kim
M&K Design
We needed a quick way to tell a fairly complex story in this product overview for Valicert, a leader in digital certificate solutions.
Art Director: Kat Thomas
Aplin Uno Creative
This overview for Internet Security Systems started with the concept of a network security hole perforated through the entire brochure. The inside spread featured a big bullseye around the hole, with the headline, “To us, it’s a moving target.”
Art Director: Margaret Kim
M&K Design
Whether you’re recruiting software developers for Apple in Latin America, describing Cisco channel support programs, reporting on the differences Sun corporate affairs made to surrounding communities, talking to executives about software testing as a business advantage, or explaining the balance between Ricoh research, investment, and business development, you’re telling a story.
No matter how short or how long, every story has to invite people in, keep them engaged, and end well.
The development campaign for this excellent nonprofit started with a clear mission statement, a highly targeted audience, and great quotes from recognized community leaders. It practically wrote itself.
Art director: Jana Anderson
studio a design
For this overview of an R&D center, we took a soft approach to discussing research, business, and investment while recruiting new talent in the United States and Japan. The client’s culture and proximity to Stanford called for a thoughtful, academic tone.
Art directors:
Penny Bayless, David Hale
Bayless Hale Advertising Design
Paul Aplin, Kat Thomas
Aplin Uno Creative
We needed to convey a clear sense of the business culture in this recruitment campaign for Ricoh Silicon Valley’s R&D center.
Art director: Penny Bayless
Bayless Hale Advertising Design
When Sun Microsystems launched its community involvement programs, employees needed to know about giving and volunteering opportunities; nonprofits needed to know how to apply for funding; and legislative, educational, and community organizations needed to know what the company was doing to build local relationships.
The text on the brochure cover was based on an employee survey that also helped kick off awareness of the programs. This campaign, combined with an online volunteer clearing-house and PR, got the right messages to everyone in the company and its local communities.
As a result, thousands of employees worldwide signed up for gift matching and volunteering. The foundation began funding local nonprofits. Relationships with local schools and community organizations grew. And the campaign won a National Bellringer Award of Excellence.
When I started my consulting business, I began writing Sun’s annual community investment reports. Each year, I got to interview people around the globe and describe the tangible differences the programs made to lives in their communities, from kindergarteners in Ireland to senior citizens in China.
What a great assignment.
Creative director: Devin Ivester
Art director: Steve Hendricks
Community Investment Annual Reports
Art director: Jana Anderson
Studio A Design